NERC's Digital Gathering 2024 Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location Click blue buttons for abstract info.
Wednesday 11th September
12:00 Registration & coffee Foyer
12:45 Welcome, Prof Chris Taylor, Assoc. Vice President for Digital Strategy and Innovation, UoM Cordingley
Earth-2: Building blocks for Digital Twins of Environmental Systems
13:40 Considering a large-scale investment for environmental data science: EDR-UK
Dr Iain Williams, NERC Director of Strategic Partnerships.
14:00 Short break Time Title Speaker Location Time Workshop
Automated Monitoring of Insects in Tropical Ecosystems
Jenna Lawson, UK CEH Cordingley 14:05
Digital Engagement Toolkit for Pollinator habitats
Katharine Willis, University of Plymouth G32 14:05 - 15:05
What if.....? An exploration of the possibilities that could be leveraged through the digitisation of NERC’s science collections, BGS.
Location: G33
Leveraging Digital Technologies for Environmental Research: A Prototype for Real-Time Data Monitoring and Analysis
Phil James, Newcastle University Cordingley 14:25
From beneath our feet to the Cloud: The role of geoscience research in driving forward digital decarbonisation
Jaana Pinnick, British Geological Survey G32
A service for identifying environmental sensors in connected digital systems
Louise Darroch, National Oceanography Centre Cordingley 14:45
The Complex Citation Object
James Ayliffe, British Oceanographic Data Centre, National Oceanography Centre G32
15:05 Coffee & networking Foyer
Digital Transformation in the Geosciences to accelerate the Energy Transition, and beyond
Dan Condon, British Geological Survey Cordingley 15:20 - 16:20
Chatting to the park: the Nature Data toolkit, EU Green Minds / University of Plymouth.
Location: G32
15:20 - 16:20
Transforming environmental science with Digital Twins, NERC-MetOffice.
Location: G33
The PM Programming Language: coding environmental models for parallel hardware
Tim Bellerby, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Hull Cordingley
MEIAT-CMAQ: A modular emission inventory allocation tool for Community Multiscale Air Quality Model
Haofan Wang, Sun Yat-sen University Cordingley
16:20 Short break Foyer
Our Environmental Digital Twin
17:10 Poster introductions Cordingley
17:30 Drinks reception, networking & poster viewing Foyer
Thursday 12th September
08:30 Registration & coffee Foyer
Rain to Drain: Monitoring SuDS as part of DIG Surface Water Resilience Project (FCRIP)
Alexander Osborne, University of Hull Cordingley
Automated machine learning for global urban temperature emulation
Zhonghua Zheng, The University of Manchester Cordingley
Lower aerosol estimated cloud-mediated radiative cooling when accounting for nonlinearities in cloud susceptibility
Yang Cao, Nanjing University & The University of Manchester Cordingley 09:30 - 10:30
A User Focused Approach to Data Submissions, BODC - NOC.
Location: G32
09:30 - 10:30
Developments in environmental research sensor data management, UKCEH
Location: G33
The GALLANT project: Deep learning pipelines for urban environmental data integration
Luigi Cao Pinna, University of Glasgow Cordingley
DAFNI and DINI data: Investigating access and indexing of national infrastructure data
Lewis Sampson, DAFNI, STFC SCD Cordingley
10:30 Coffee, networking & poster viewing Foyer
AI and machine learning for the environment
12:00 Lunch, networking & poster viewing Foyer Time Title Speaker Location Time Title Speaker Location Workshops
Federating scientific data to support digital twin development; observations from the SyncED-Ocean demonstrator
Thomas Mansfield, Plymouth Marine Laboratory Cordingley 13:00
Air pollution modelling at high chemical resolution
Simon O'Meara, NCAS & University of Manchester G32 13:00
The Data Stewardship Wizard delivering the FAIR agenda
Shona Ferguson, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology G33 13:00 - 14:00
The NERC Digital Solutions Hub use case demos, UoM
Location: G7
Leveraging immersive technology for mitigating climate risks and developing adaptation strategies: Environmental and technological dimensions
Kwok Pan Chun, University of the West of England Cordingley 13:15
SCAIL Sweden: a tool to assess the impacts of agricultural and combustion sources on local protected sites.
Maddalena Tigli, UKCEH G32 13:15
Inspiring conversations about data through art and games
Poppy Townsend, Environmental Data Service (CEDA) G33
Applying the Digital Twin Concept to Ecological Reality: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Simon Rolph, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Cordingley 13:30
Developing an analytics framework to investigate freshwater ecosystem quality
Ionut Alexandru Paun, University of Glasgow G32 13:30
From data to insight - geoscience information products providing digital solutions to geoenvironmental issues
Patrick Bell, British Geological Survey G33
NOC's Interactive Data Science Platform
Colin Sauze, National Oceanography Centre Cordingley 13:45
Plankton and Particles Learning for long-tailed distribution
Mojtaba Masoudi, National Oceanography Centre G32 13:45
Pyclmuapp: A Python Package for Quick Use of Community Land Model Urban
Junjie Yu, The University of Manchester G33
acoupi: An open-source Python package for deploying bioacoustic classifiers on remote monitoring devices.
Aude Vuilliomenet, UCL Cordingley 14:00
A Foundational Model for Real-world Simulation of Atmospheric Aerosol Mixing State
Fei Jiang, The University of Manchester G32 14:00
Leveraging Multi-Task Physics-Guided Transformers for Enhanced Modeling of Urban Climate Dynamics and Temporal Evolution
Jiyang Xia, The University of Manchester G33
14:15 Coffee & networking Foyer
14:45 NERC digital Q & A - what next for environmental research in an ever evolving digital environment? This closing session offers participants the opportunity to discuss ideas for initiatives such as ERDUK and the future of the digital gathering. Cordingley
15:30 Close & DG25 Cordingley
15:45 End

HBS building layout

DG24 takes place just off Oxford Road in the Humanities Bridgeford Street building, number 35 on the campus map. You can find accessibility information for the building. During the event we will make use of the following rooms:

Diagram of the HBS building layout.